01435 872146
24 April 2019 | Latest News
Like our Facebook page to keep up to date with everything Middle House and for regular giveaways! www.facebook.com/The-Middle-House-189224784438572/
24 April 2019 | Latest News
Afternoon Tea at The Middle House
Served in our modern Brasserie or on the Terrace with stunning views of the Sussex countryside, afternoon tea has never been so indulgent.
25 March 2019 | Latest News
Would you like to become part of The Middle House Team? Currently we are looking to fill to following positions:
23 March 2019 | Latest News
You’ve got the Clubcard and the Nectar card… now make space for The Middle House loyalty card! For every pound spent receive one pence back, collect them up and enjoy a meal or a drink or two on us… Ask any member of staff for an application form and start earning Middle House points today!
23 March 2019 | Latest News
New Brasserie and garden overhaul Video
After well over 10 years in the planning our new Brasserie finally opened in 2017. A complete garden overhaul followed which transformed the rear of the property. Book a table on the terrace and make use of table service from the Brasserie (bookings taken May- September) or just casually enjoy the area on the bottom lawn and order from the main bar.